Exercise & Weight Loss

Gloji Hampshire

Lose weight. Get active. Feel great. 

FREE access to the best weight loss programmes, fully funded for Hampshire residents by Hampshire County Council.

Ready to lose weight? We can help.

BMI ≥30 (≥27.5 if you're from an ethnic minority).


Submit your details to us and calculate your BMI


Health & Wellbeing Coach

This NHS health coaching service is offered from our practice to help create lasting change to improve a person’s well-being and overall health

Find out more

Fitness Studio Exercise Videos

Take your pick from 23 instructor-led videos across the aerobics exercise, strength and resistance, and pilates and yoga categories.

Visit NHS/FitnessStudio

Weight Loss Injection Treatments

Weight loss injection treatments are not available on the NHS yet. We are awaiting for it to be commissioned and eligibility criteria confirmed. It is likely the patients at most risk will be offered the treatments on the NHS first. 

If you would like to explore your suitability for weight loss treatments on the NHS or privately please contact us. The contact portal will open Monday to Friday 8am to 18.30pm.

Gym on Prescription

1. Aquadrome Exercise Referral Scheme. Free Consult. £70 one-time payment for all-inclusive membership for 12 weeks. Initial & follow up assessments at the Aquadrome but can use Tadley facilities

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Adults aged 18+ years with a BMI ≥ 30
  • High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Asthma, Bone or Joint Pain
  • Mental Health, Anxiety
  • Long Covid
  • One Referral Only Per Year 

2. The Hurst Leisure Centre Gym on Prescription. £50 for 10-week course. During your 10 weeks you will be given an exercise programme for our fully equipped gym which will enable you to follow your goals and will consider any limitations and side effects relating to your referral.

You will make 10 appointments with a personal trainer who will help you achieve your goals and guide you through the course of the programme.

You can also access the gym and classes at the Leisure Centre at other times, separate to your booked session.

To refer please request by submitting an Admin Query and state which gym 

Free Trial

Green Gym

Everyone is welcome to join the Green Gym. There is something to suit everyone, regardless of fitness or experience

You will have the satisfaction of improving the environment in & around the hospital site, while improving your own physical & mental wellbeing & meeting like-minded people

Wellbeing Walks

It's almost impossible not to feel good when we're walking outdoors- it's a natural mood-booster. Please visit 

Steady & Strong Classes

Steady and Strong classes are designed to help people over 65 to improve strength and balance, helping you to live independently for longer & avoid falls

Exercises are done both seated and standing, with chair support for those who require it. Currently no sessions in Tadley. Options include 

  • Aquadrome Basingstoke Monday at 10.30am. £4 per session paid 4 weeks in advance. To book call 01256 472343
  • Overton Community Centre Thursday at 10am, Thursday at 11.15am. To book call 07920143399

For more options visit Hants/gov