Transport Services

Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service

For eligible patients who are unable to use public or other transport due to their medical condition, the non-emergency patient transport service (NEPTS) provides a vital service getting safely and comfortably to hospital or other healthcare centres for outpatient appointments.

If you need transport to social and health related local clubs, visiting a loved-one in hospital, nursing, residential home or to take you shopping please visit NeighbourCare Volunteer Service. As this is a volunteer service a small donation is requested. 

Who Is Eligible For Transport

The NEPTS service is only available to eligible patients. You are considered eligible if:

  • Your medical condition is such that you require the skills and support of NEPTS staff during or after your journey, and/or it would be detrimental to your condition or recovery to travel by other means, or:
  • Your medical condition affects your mobility to such an extent that you would be unable to access healthcare and/or it would be detrimental to your condition or recovery to travel by other means
  • You may also travel if you are the recognised parent or guardian of a child being transported by NEPTS

You Are Not Eligible If:

  • You are attending a primary care service, such as a routine GP or health centre appointment
  • You are not an NHS patient
  • You require transport outside England, Scotland and Wales

Book Transport

You can book 20 days in advance but no later than 2 days before your appointment 

You will need your NHS number & date of birth 

  • Find your NHS number Online
  • Find your NHS number of any letter from the NHS like a prescription or appointment letter


  • You can book Online if you have used the non-emergency transport service before
  • You can also cancel your booking Online


  • If it is your first time using the non-emergency transport service or unable to use to the online service please call 
  • Hampshire Booking Line 0300 123 9833
  • Hampshire Cancellation Line 0300 790 0143

For further information and technical help visit SCAS/NEPTS